Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Traditional Christian Wedding Vows Obey | Traditional Christian Wedding Vows Ceremony

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Wedding vows are the most important part of a wedding and a wedding is not complete without exchange of vows. The exchange of votes is as solemn promises, properly between the bride to the groom and groom to the bride. It is believed that this exchange of wedding vows have a lasting impact on the lives of a couple and there are several examples of breaking the marriage up again, because Christians believe that marriage is honorable to God and have exchanged vows to honor his word of God.

Wedding vows are promises made by the couple married in front of several witnesses. There are different types of wedding vows, religious, interfaith, traditional, more personalized, etc.

Even at the wedding of religious vows, there are different types, such as, etc. Christians, Jews, Muslims and Greeks, but the general trend in the wedding vows is that the priest makes a series of questions for the bride and groom. Facing each other, holding hands each other, both the groom and the bride's vows, one after another. There will be witnesses to take note of the wedding vows and hold both accountable.
